Sunday, November 20, 2005

lighter now..

after 2 days of "SICKENING"....
lost a bit of weight...
think something went wrong inside me.. esp on "BALANCING"
left ear did bleed 2 wks back...

now still feeling drowsy,, esp after medication..
but still have to work,, lack of man power in office..
...was and will be working on few escalation cases....
hope the new guys can pick up the skills fast!!!!!!

Good thing:
had been sleeping well for last 3 nights...
at least 9hrs of sleep each day.....

sad to say.. cannot join TL & TK on bowling thurs
TL & Wil to party last nite..
wonder how's MW now...????

Will rest well for these few weeks and ready for party when "HORNS" grow..


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