Thursday, July 20, 2006

IQ Test

just done IQ test....

normal level 104...

lucky... not stupid.. hahaha


posted: 20 Jul 2006, 1910hrs

report for the week 17 Jul till 20 Jul

17 Jul

not feeling well day 1
1st day of work at new office...
self pace whole day...
had an early rest...

18 Jul
not feeling well day 2
2nd day of work
self pace day 2
received a bad news, uncle sunny passed away..
a bit sad....
took a nap.. and stay awake till 12++

19 Jul
not feeling well day 3
self pace half day..
went home early to prepare for the wake of uncle sunny
help out there and attended the ceremony...

20 Jul
coco's b'day....
my niece... 23rd b'day.//.... so old liao.... mother of 1... :p

felt better now.. at least no more running nose..
resting soon..
need to help out during the funeral..

hope everything goes fine...

posted: 20 Jul 2006, 0215hrs

Thursday, July 13, 2006

LIPPI... wish u the best!!!

my fav coach resign from ITALIA CALCIO!!!!!

won 5 seria a and 1 CL!!!!!

and take italy to they 4th WC!!!!

posted: 13 Jul 2006, 0400hrs

happy b;day to me!!!!!

it's 13 Jul 2006.....

happy b'day to me!!!!!!!

oh ohh... its 29!!!!!!!!!!

had a wonderful evening..

thanks to all!!!!
angie, hong, jocy & brandon, yaolong & willia, xiwei!!!!!!

good luck to all too!!!!!

posted: 13 Jul 2006 0355hrs

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

12 Jul 2006,, next 13 Jul

older by a year...

once each year.... time flies......

its 13 Jul again!!!!

29 this year...

many wishes....

1. a start of new career... hope everything flow smoothly
2. as usual, my family, friends and brothers... good luck
3. wish her well
4. secret!!!!! :P (for me to know, for u to find out)

another 21hrs and 30 mins to 13 Jul...

30hrs and 50 mins... to be exact... (born at 0920hrs) think my maths (calculation) should be correct..

posted: 12 Jul 2006, 0230hrs

area cleaning.... part 1

area cleaning...

clear the top of my cupboard and 1/4 CD shelves...

dumped many stuffs.....


still have to study for JAP exam!!!!!!

posted: 12 Jul 2006, 0225hrs

Monday, July 10, 2006




on penalties

after so many years.... they had won their fourth WC!!!!!!!!

posted: 10 Jul 2006, 0515hrs

Friday, July 07, 2006

from a fortune telling website...

你 呢 個 人 ...
不 喜 與 人 爭 執 , 忠 厚 誠 實 , 住 家 男 人 型 , 責 任 感 強 烈 。

做 人 極 有 主 見 , 不 易 受 他 人 影 響 , 衰 永 無 專 一 , 適 合 從 事 股 票 經 紀 一 類 金 睛 火 眼 行 業 。

努 力 實 幹 型 , 相 信 個 人 實 力 , 沉 著 應 戰 。 興 趣 多 元 化 , 但 每 樣 都 只 係 逢 場 作 戲 。 家 庭 觀 念 極 重 ; 亦 很 重 視 朋 友 , 尤 其 是 跟 自 己 青 梅 竹 馬 的 死 黨 ; 一 生 追 求 浪 漫 有 火 花 的 愛 情 。

13 號 出 世 的 你 , 遇 強 越 強 , 暗 藏 小 宇 宙 力 量 驚 人 , 外 表 可 能 很 柔 弱 , 但 面 對 挑 釁 絕 不 輕 易 罷 休 。

posted: 07 Jul 2006, 0235hrs

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm always around....


for u

I'm always around....

posted: 06 Jul 2006, 0330hrs

forza italia!!!!

italy had silenced the critics and made their way to the WC final since '94

history, every 12 years they had made it to the final since 1970

1970 - lost to brazil
1982 - won agst german
1994 - lost to brazil again
2006 - final v fra (hope ita can win the WC)

tribute to my all time fav player , Del Piero
he scored the 2nd extra time goal!!!! probrably his last international goal.

italy is only one game away from the cup
hope they can lift the WORLD CUP this 09 Jul 2006 (SGT 10 Jul 2006)

The Team:

Lippi - mastermind, won lots of silverware with JUVE (now in hot soup!!!)

buffon - best keeper, only conceded an own goal
cannavaro - STOPPER
grosso & zambrotta - scoring wingback, attack minded (created a questionable penalty agst AUSSIE, scorer agst german and latter scored agst UKR)

pirlo - midfield general (also scored ITA 1st goal in this WC)
gattuso - bull dozer and ball winner

totti - creator of chances and goals (scored penalty agst aussie)
del piero - scored agst german as a sub
toni, gilardino, iaquinta - scored very few goals but created lots of chances (# of goals 2,1,1)


posted: 06 Jul 2006, 1340hrs

Monday, July 03, 2006

MOS photos 30 Jun

Red devils, Ray Meng & lev

lev & Clifford

BUDDY FOR LIFE, lev & thomas {+ heineken}

Pretty babes, Cheryl, lorraine & lev
(eyes kanna blinded by camera lights)

posted: 03 Jul 2006, 1255hrs

30 Jun 2006, a busy nite

30 jun 2006

last day with acacia

Dinner - Jack's Place Bras Basah (poly classmate gathering)

Bala - Hong's b'day. there for cake cutting

MOS - "HBL 8 Flr outing" with ex-acacia mates

Velvet - Hong's b'day

posted: 03 Jul 2006, 1230hrs
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