Wednesday, February 15, 2006

D&D part 4, FINAL

Kian Siong, Jackson "covering his two spots"
ah meng, Chee khoon

ISO Team with ADMIN babes

ALPHA gurus
jackson & ah meng

funny face gang:
top row: Adi, edmund, darren
front fow: max, lev, gerald, jackson

sam, jackson, edmund
adi, lev, darren, gerald
colin, celine

prize winners with King
King, Celine 5th, Lev 17th, Jackson 1st, Edmund 23th, Darren 13th


posted: 15 Feb 2006, 2005hrs

D&D part 3...

Pat & ah beng enjoying!!!

David serving??
Jeff waiting to be served??

King with max and jackson

Sam, jackson
colin, celine

Bottles we had

alice bottoms up

posted: 15 Feb 2006, 1950hrs

D&D part 2 .....

ah Seng, Lev, Pat_lee, Sam_yap & ah Beng

best dressed competiton: King on cat walk

Celine's turn

hungry hungry:
ah beng & ah meng
poor ah seng watching!!

game time:
three blind mice
bonnie, ah beng and lev

winner: LEV

ISO Enterprise team:
HW remote
SW remote
HW onsite

posted: 15 Feb 2006, 1915hrs

REDS won 1 nil after some ups and downs

good. at least we won.. haha


REDS shirts by ADIDAS soon

posted: 15 Feb 2006, 1845hrs

Sunday, February 12, 2006

D&D part 1....

what a nite....

prizes received!!

1. had a good dinner..
2. fun nite
3. won 2 prizes myself..
- ISO ENTERPRISE REMOTE TEAM, won 5 prizes including 1st prize
4. i won the 17th lucky draw, a "logitech quickcam"
5. played the blind folded guessing / memory game and won the 1st prize, SGD30 HVM voucher

Answers: (for the game)
- peanuts
- small vase
- small shot glass
- toy duck
- toy plane
- small x'mas tree
- golf ball

6. had lots of drinkssssssssssssssssssssssss

waiting for photos from gerald...

now.. waiting for part 2......

posted: 12 Feb 2006, 1220hrs

Thursday, February 09, 2006

thought it'll be a good week yet.......

this suppose to be a good week for me..

no work..
EVA training....
relax.. 9-5.. somedays ended at 4...

received a call from buddy ryan while having dinner with another, thomas.
ryan asked us for a drinking session...
hmm.. something must be wrong...
indeed...... not in good mood..
went "dungeon"... a pub...

had a few drinks..
and a phone call for ryan..
disappeared for a while..
came back.. "let's head home"...

sad to see my buddy in bad mood..
hope tomorrow will be a better day..

ryan and all my buddies out there..
good luck...

put the past and unhappy away..
look forward for a brighter future..


posted: 09 Feb 2006, 1135hrs

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

jap test result!!

got the answer before CNY

went back to class yesterday

check the paper..

90%.. wowowowowo

effort paid off..

we'll try harder next round..


posted: 08 Feb 2006, 1915hrs

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Mum's b'day

lion dance at my place

Mum and Lev


Mum's b'day cake

Posted: 05 Feb 2006, 2200hrs

Saturday, February 04, 2006

ill and sick

this is my 1st sat off eversince back to normal buz hour
yet... not feeling well. :(

visited doctor soo, 1st time in 2006..

hope i can get well soon

posted: 04 Feb 2006, 1415hrs

Thursday, February 02, 2006

i'm not stupid too

its a good show..

worth watching!!

posted: 02 Feb 2006, 1030hrs

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

DAY 1 in office in the DOG year

1st day at work after CNY

busy but manageable...
lots of things to clear too..

a good start in the DOGGY year


everyone good luck

poster: 1st feb 2006, 1730hrs
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